Shaping policy: giving research a voice in the Senedd

How can we ensure that the latest research is seen by politicians and legislators, helping them to make well-informed decisions and improving the quality of their policy work?
Finding answers to this pressing question is the subject of our next Early Career Researchers Network webinar (29 January), which will explore how researchers can best bring their work to the attention of Senedd staff and Members.
It will be run by Dr Sarah Morse, who is the Knowledge Exchange Manager with the Senedd Research Service, while Dr Emily Marchant (Swansea University) and Dr Larissa Peixoto Vale Gomes (University of Edinburgh) will share their experiences of engaging with the Senedd as early career researchers.
The session will:
- explain the Welsh policy landscape, and how the different parts work together;
- show why researchers should engage with the Senedd;
- include successful examples of engagement and its impact;
- help researchers negotiate the two worlds, and understand the opportunities to engage;
- offer practical tips on how to get your research heard.
“One of the LSW’s key roles is to provide opportunities for researchers to gain a better understanding of policy and its impact on their work,” said [Dr Rhian Powell, the Society’s Programme Officer for Researcher Development].
“As a charity, one of our purposes is to promote the power of research and innovation for the benefit of Wales’ economy and society.
“One way we can do that is by being an independent voice in relevant policy debates, increasing policymakers’ understanding of how excellent research, across all disciplines, can help Wales succeed.
“This webinar contributes to this aim by providing our emerging research talent with the skills needed to navigate the policy world.”