Criteria for Election

To be eligible for election, nominees need to meet our definition of a Fellow:

Fellows must be persons resident in Wales, persons of Welsh birth who are resident elsewhere and others with a particular connection with Wales; in each case, having a demonstrable record of excellence and achievement in one of the academic disciplines or, being members of the professions, the arts, industry, commerce or public service, having made a distinguished contribution to the world of learning.

Criteria and measures of distinction will, of course, vary between different disciplines and areas of achievement.
We measure each Nominee’s achievements relative to the opportunities they have had in their career. However,
in all cases we define excellence in terms of the following overarching criteria:

  • Outstanding achievement (the quality of your achievements and contributions to learning)
  • Professional standing (the strength of your reputation among your peers)
  • Wider contributions (the impact you have made on people, institutions or wider society)

You may also be interested to read our criteria for Honorary Fellows.

See Nomination Forms for more information.

If you have any queries, please contact our Fellowship Officer, Stanislava Sofrenic.