Fellows’ Subscription Fees

Information and FAQs

The Fellows’ subscription fees make a vital contribution to the Society’s work. We receive funding from HEFCW, through a long-term partnership, as well as Wales’ universities, but the financial support you provide us is essential to the impact we can make.

How your subscription fee is used to support our work

How much is the Fellows’ subscription fee?

Fellows are asked to pay a one-off admission fee and an annual subscription fee which will cover 1 year’s annual subscription.

If you are a new Fellow, you pay an admission fee of £90.

Thereafter, the annual subscription fee is £180 (£90 for those aged over 70 on 22 May 2024). Those aged over 85 are exempt from admission and subscription fees. 

These fees provide an important source of income for the Society. However we want to ensure they are never a barrier to Fellowship. Both Fellows and Nominees for Fellowship may therefore apply for a fee waiver or reduction at any time: please read the Society’s policy for fee reductions or waivers

When will you receive your annual subscription fee invoice?

We invoice yearly in June via email.  All invoices are sent via email, unless you prefer to receive a copy in the post. If you do prefer to receive your invoice by post, please let us know.

Also, do get in touch if your details change so that we can update our records.

We send out invoices shortly after the start of the Society’s year, which begins on the day of the Annual General Meeting (usually the penultimate Wednesday of May). If you haven’t received your invoice by the end of June, please let us know.

When is payment due?

Payment is due 30 days after date of the invoice.

If this deadline is in any way difficult, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. There is also information further down about our policy for fee reductions or waivers.

How to pay?

Ways to pay at no additional cost to LSW or yourself

Bank transfer: please find bank details on your invoice to set up a bank transfer through your bank.

Standing order: you can set up a standing order with your bank so that your payment is taken automatically every year.  We will let you know if the fee you need to pay changes in order to amend your standing order in plenty of time.

Ways to pay at a small cost to LSW

Direct-debit: you can set up a Direct Debit through our GoCardless system. 

Card/credit card payment option: you can use our payment service, ‘Stripe’, to make Card or credit card payment.

Further information on using these methods will be on your invoice.

If you cannot pay for your subscription in full you can divide the amount into smaller manageable payments over 12 months.

If you wish to pay for your subscriptions by instalments, please contact our Finance Officer to discuss a payment plan with you. Please ensure the amount is paid by July the following year.

Fees relief policy

We want to ensure that our fees are never a barrier to Fellowship. Both Fellows and Nominees for Fellowship may therefore apply for a fee waiver or reduction at any time.

Our policy for fee reduction or waiver explains how we will handle all requests fairly, equitably and confidentially.

Gift Aid: a simple way to support the LSW

If you are a UK tax payer and agree to Gift Aid, the Learned Society of Wales will receive a further 25% on top of your annual subscription and other donations, at no additional cost to you.  

Not yet signed up?
To support us further, please consider signing up for Gift Aid by completing this simple form: Gift Aid – The Learned Society of Wales.

Already signed up?  
Thank you for the extra contribution you already make through Gift Aid. If you change address, please email finance@lsw.wales.ac.uk so that we can update your Gift Aid record. 

Can I donate more to the Society?

We are most grateful if you are in a position to make an additional donation to the Society.

You can do this either by paying a higher amount when you receive your invoice or by making a one-off donation. To do so, please use our bank details, which you can find on your invoice, or email us at finance@lsw.wales.ac.uk.

Donating for a specific use  
If you would like to make a donation to support a specific medal, award or event, we are happy to hear from any individual, or organisation, who would be interested in supporting such projects in the future.

Additional information