Previous recipients

2023: Professor Aimee Morgans received the Menelaus Medal 2023 for her work on the instabilities that threaten the structure of gas turbine aero-engines.

2022: Professor Kenneth Morgan receives the Menelaus Medal 2022 for his work on computer models for engineering analysis.

2021: Dr. Drew Nelson is our Menelaus Medal 2021 winner for his work establishing South Wales as a global hub for semi-conductor technology and manufacturing.

2020: Professor Nidal Hilal, Chair in Water Processing Engineering, Swansea University, has won the Learned Society of Wales’ Menelaus Medal 2020, awarded to celebrate excellence in engineering and technology.

2019: Professor Roger Owen FREng FRS FLSW, Research Professor of Engineering, Swansea University, was awarded the medal for his ground-breaking work in the simulation of problems in science and engineering using computational methods.

2017: The 2017 Menelaus Medallist was Professor Graham Hutchings, Regius Professor of Physical Chemistry at Cardiff University.

2016: Professor Hagan Bayley FLSW FRS was the fourth recipient of the Society’s Menelaus Medal.

2015: The third recipient of the Medal in 2015 was Professor Sir John Meurig Thomas DSc ScD MAE HonFRSE HonFREng FLSW FRS.

2014: The second Menelaus Medal awarded at Swansea University in July 2014 went to Sir John Cadogan CBE DSc FRSE FRSC MAE FLSW FRS.

2013: The first recipient of the Society’s Menelaus Medal, in July 2013, was the Welsh engineer and entrepreneur, Sir Terry Matthews Kt OBE PEng FIEE FREng.