News from our Fellows: Poets, Singers, Innovation, WISERD and the English

The Cardiff Poetry Festival takes place on 15th – 18th AprilProfessor Mererid Hopwood and Professor Menna Elfyn are participating and Professor M. Wynn Thomas will be delivering a lecture. Twenty-three readings, workshops and events can all be enjoyed from the comfort of your sofa.

Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen are poets, too, as well as song-writers. Their connections with Dylan Thomas and other writers of the Beat Generation are explored in Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen: Deaths and Entrances, co-written by Professor David Boucher and his daughter Lucy Boucher.

The work of a number of our Fellows is highlighted in this year’s annual report from WISERD. Covid19 and Brexit feature, of course, but Professor Sally Power outlines WISERD’s other work this past year on civil society, think tanks, homeworking, school governance, the Foundational Economy and a great deal more.

Englishness was not one of WISERD’s themes but not to worry: Professor Richard Wyn Jones has filled that gap, co-authoring the recently published Englishness: The Political Force Transforming Britain. It explores English nationalism’s ‘sense of grievance about England’s place within the UK… [and] fierce commitment to a particular vision of Britain’s past, present, and future.’

Back on the Welsh side of the border,  Professor Rick Delbridge and Professor Kevin Morgan have written a blog feature, A New Innovation Agenda for Wales. It considers the ‘institutional change that will produce cultural change in the ways in which universities and the public sector engage in innovation activity.’