Women Fellows with Solutions to Global Development Challenges

This year’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science has sustainable development as its theme. Several of our women Fellows work in this field.
Within conservation, Professor Julia Jones (Professor in Conservation Science, Bangor University) researches the social dimensions of conservation. She has worked for 20 years in Madagascar on issues around conservation and development. Further details about Professor Jones’ work.
In terms of the political aspects of development, Professor Kathryn Monk (Honorary Professor, Swansea University) is an ecologist with vast experience around the world, working with governments and international organisations on delivering sustainable development programmes. Further details about Professor Monk’s work.
From the social sciences, Professor Johanna Waters (Professor of Geography, UCL) works on migration, mobilities and education and co-directs the Migration Research Unit at UCL. Further details about Professor Waters’ work.
Finally, the UN’s sustainable development goal of keeping our seas and atmosphere clean, shows the importance of the research of Professor Siwan Davies (Professor of Geography, Swansea University) into carbon sinks in the southern ocean and areas of the world that are sensitive to environmental change. Further details about Professor Davies’ work.
Research from Wales (and by people from Wales) plays a significant role in meeting our global challenges. The Learned Society of Wales continues to celebrate that research and highlight the impact it has.