Learned Society of Wales Welcomes 45 New Fellows
The Learned Society of Wales is delighted to welcome a further 45 academics, researchers, and professionals to its Fellowship.
The new Fellows include academics from numerous Welsh and UK higher education institutions as well as individuals who a play a significant role in Welsh public life.
The Society’s President, Sir Emyr Jones Parry said of the new intake:
‘I am delighted to see the election of 43 new Fellows, showing again the talent connected with Wales, which will reinforce the work of the Society, recognising excellence, promoting research and putting our expertise at the disposal of the nation’
In addition, the Society has admitted two new Honorary Fellows, Physicist Professor Jocelyn Bell Burnell and historian Professor Margaret MacMillan.
Physicist Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, who discovered pulsars whilst a graduate student, and historian Professor Margaret Macmillan, noted for her research on the British Empire and international relations, have been elected as Honorary Fellows of the Society.
Sir Emyr said:
‘The election of two such acclaimed Honorary Fellows brings further distinction to the LSW.’
Election to the Fellowship is based on a ballot of existing Fellows. It is a public recognition of excellence, is keenly competed and follows a rigorous examination of each nominee’s achievements in their relevant field(s).
This election further strengthens our Fellowship not just by adding 45 new Fellows, including two new Honorary Fellow, but by enhancing our pool of expertise. The Society now has 563 distinguished Fellows who come from all branches of learning and are prominent figures within their respective academic disciplines or professions.