Democracy Within the European Union

Professor John Loughlin FLSW is one of the Senior Expert Advisors who have co-written the Report of the High Level Group on European Democracy for the European Committee of the Regions. The report is the CoR High Level Group’s submission to the Conference on the Future of Europe which is currently taking place.

More than ever, a strong civil society is needed to form a counterforce against fragmentation and primitive individualisation. More than ever, the truth needs a chance to stand against the lie. More than ever, there is a need for fairness and social cohesion, recognising that the pandemic and other crises are affecting people so differently. More than ever, reliable public institutions are needed to strengthen trust in politics and politicians. National and European legislation must better protect against this divide and promote our way of life and social cohesion, so that no person and no place is left behind.

Report of the High Level Group on European Democracy

Professor Loughlin is a Fellow at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford, Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge and Emeritus Professor of European Politics, Cardiff University.  He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. 

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