Wales Studies activities

The aim of the initiative is to bring together existing organisations and networks who share a strongly held belief that a vibrant and successful development of Wales Studies has much to offer Wales, its people and the delivery of the well-being goals of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.

Projects like this however will take time, Fellowship engagement and collaboration with relevant partners, but the short to medium term goals of the project are to:

  • Discover, map and promote some of the many different existing strands of current activity that already fall within the inclusive field of ‘Wales Studies’
  • Work collaboratively with relevant stakeholders towards a common purpose of generating new resources to enable a more relevant and connected learning experience that inspires a stronger sense of national identity for future generations
  • Arising from the study of Wales, promote and project a confident image and narrative of Wales, within and outside the country
  • Work towards developing a national strategy for Wales Studies, including embedding this in the new curriculum for Wales
  • Secure sufficient resources to deliver the above aims, and ensure sustainability of the project going forward