Invention, Innovation and Change

At the heart of our understanding of change is the interplay between the technical, commercial and social aspects of technologies, broadly conceived. Contemporary thought and action rests upon ideas, opinions and myths about speculative research and patronage; inventions, innovations and improvements; products and markets; government policies and interventions; technical education; and individual practices. 

The Society will organise events and actions to explore these fundamentals behind the modern economy.

Forthcoming lectures in the Invention, Innovation and Change theme include :

The Society welcomes enquiries from individuals and organisations proposing contributions, such as lectures, symposia and other events and activities, to the Invention, Innovation and Change Theme.


The previous Invention, Innovation and Change lectures organised by the Learned Society of Wales are: 

A lecture on ‘Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery’ by Professor Ben Shneiderman, Professor for Computer Science at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland. 4.00pm Monday 11 June, Taliesin Theatre, Swansea University. For further details see here.

‘Building a Stronger Innovation Culture: The Benefits for Universities, Businesses and the Economy in Engaging in Research and Enterprise’ A lecture by Sir Chris Snowden FRS FREng FIET FIEEE FCGI, Vice-Chancellor University of Surrey, 2.00pm 15 May 2012, Queen’s Buildings, Cardiff School of Engineering.

‘The Commercialisation of Science’ by Professor Graham Richards (Oxford University), on 2 December 2010 at Swansea University