
The pursuit of knowledge is often prompted by individual curiosity and its findings shared with, and tested by, a community that is informed and international.

Frontiers is a lecture series in which distinguished academics are invited to speak about the frontiers of scholarship and research in their fields and to place their own contributions in context. Frontiers Lecturers will often be visitors to Wales, drawn from the first rank of their disciplines.

A Frontiers Lecture can be on any subject. It can range from the highly technical and exclusive to the expository and popular. It can be an individual event or special lecture at a conference. Normally, the lectures are expected to be widely publicised, open and free.

Forthcoming Frontiers Lectures include :

The Society welcomes enquiries from individuals and organisations about proposing and hosting a Frontiers lecture. 


The previous Frontiers lectures organised by the Learned Society of Wales are: 

  • A lecture on ‘Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery’ by Professor Ben Schneiderman, Professor for Computer Science at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland. 4.00pm Monday 11 June, Taliesin Theatre, Swansea University. For further details see here
  • A lecture on ‘Back to the Big Bang, the Large Hadron Collider’ by Professor Lyn Evans CBE FInstP FLSW FRS, former Director of CERN, on Tuesday 17 April 2012, at 18.00, Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre, Main Building, Cardiff University
  • A lecture on ‘The spectral point of view on geometry and physics’ by Professor Alain Connes on Wednesday 18 April 2012 at 19.15, Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main Building Cardiff University
  • ‘Ancient Britons, Europe and Wales: New Research in Genetics, Archaeology and Linguistics’, a one-day conference held on 4 June 2011 at the National Museum Cardiff – jointly sponsored by the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies and the Learned Society of Wales