STEMM4: Computing, Mathematics and Statistics

This Scrutiny Committee covers the following subject areas/disciplines:

Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
Algebra and Logic
Applied Mathematics
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Virtual Systems
Computer Networks and Mobile/Pervasive Computing
Computer Systems and Computer Engineering
Continuum Mechanics
Geometry and Topology
Human Computer Interaction
Information Systems and Information Retrieval
Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical and Computational Biology
Mathematical Physics
Numerical Analysis
Operational Research
Probability Theory and Applied Probability
Software Engineering
Theoretical Computer Science
Computational Science
Other Disciplines

The current members of the Committee are:

Chair: Professor Biagio Lucini (Swansea)
Vice-Chair: Professor Nigel John (Chester)
Professor Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow)
Professor Paul Harper (Cardiff)
Professor Ruth King (Edinburgh)
Professor Mark Lee (Aberystwyth)
Professor Gennady Mishuris (Aberystwyth)
Professor Tim Phillips (Cardiff)
Professor Tim Porter
Professor Gareth Roberts (Warwick)