Welcome to our new Fellows

Introducing the seven new Fellows elected to the Learned Society of Wales in 2024 who play leadership roles in the professional, educational and public sectors

Professor Alka Ahuja FLSW

Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist & National Clinical Lead
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Alka Ahuja MBE is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and has roles with Technology Enabled Care Cymru, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the University of South Wales and Cardiff University. Her interests include qualitative research, neurodevelopmental disorders and co-production in healthcare and digital health. She has published in peer reviewed journals and was awarded an MBE for her services to the NHS during the pandemic. 

Read more about Professor Ahuja’s work.

Dr Seema Arif FLSW

Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Velindre University NHS Trust

Dr Seema Arif specialises in radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. She is a specialist in advanced radiotherapy techniques and has been involved in national and international clinical trials. She implemented the first liver stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy treatment (the precise targeting of radiation therapy) in Wales, where she is also the colorectal cancer lead.

She played a leading role for the Royal College of Radiologists during the pandemic and has launched a Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists’ course in India and Hong Kong, as well as introducing BAME awareness tools into ESOL classes.

She received an MBE in 2022 for services to healthcare amongst the Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

Read more about Dr Arif’s work.

Miss Indu Deglurkar FLSW

Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon & Honorary Visiting Professor
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Indu Deglurkur is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon with a special interest in aortic surgery and high-risk surgery in octogenarians. She has performed over 2000 open heart operations with top outcomes.

She holds an Advanced Leadership Fellowship for Senior Executives from Harvard Business School and a number of leadership roles nationally and internationally aimed at improving patient care, equity of access and staff wellbeing.

Read more about Indu Deglurkar’s work.

I am absolutely delighted and honoured to be elected as a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales. I really look forward to working with all the members and contributing to the work of the Society

Dr Haydn Edwards FLSW

Independent consultant

Dr Edwards was the first Principal and Chief Executive of Coleg Menai. Following his leadership career in the further education sector, he also contributed to public life in Wales, as vice-president and trustee of Amgueddfa Cymru- National Museum Wales, non-executive director of Estyn, and chair of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. He has also developed policies for the Welsh Government by chairing a number of reviews which have led to significant changes in areas such as Welsh for Adults, museums in local government, and the careers service.

Read more about Dr Edwards’ work.

Mr Sumit Goyal FLSW

Consultant Oncoplastic Surgeon
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Sumit Goyal is the current breast cancer lead for Wales as well as the current Quality Assurance Surgeon for all-Wales breast cancer screening. He has raised over a million pounds for the breast cancer charity, established the first purpose built breast centre in Wales and pioneered the establishment of an exercise programme for breast cancer patients. He has published and presented nationally and internationally, as well as being the principle investigator on several trials.

Read more about Sumit Goyal’s work.

Professor Sir Deian Hopkin FLSW

Professor Sir Deian Hopkin spent 44 years as an academic and senior manager in six different universities, retiring as Vice-Chancellor of London South Bank University.

His main academic interests are in modern history and politics, the press, the Labour Movement in Wales and the use of information technology in education. He has also been extensively involved in public services, institutional management and charitable trusts both in England and Wales while also advising government ministers on policy.

Read more about Professor Hopkin’s work.

I am honoured to be elected to join a Fellowship which embodies the best in scholarship and enterprise in relation to Wales. I look forward to contributing, as best I can, to promoting the work and values of the Learned Society, especially beyond the borders of Wales.

Professor John G Williams FLSW

Professor Emeritus
Swansea University

Professor Williams is an academic gastroenterologist, with research interests in patient outcomes, service delivery and medical records. Born in Swansea, he returned in 1988 to establish a Postgraduate Medical School, which laid the foundations for the Graduate-entry Medical School.

He has influenced strategic developments in Swansea and Wales, notably the development of medical education, clinical research, service delivery, and electronic patient records, and helped build the organisation and political influence of gastroenterologists and physicians in Wales.

Read more about Professor Williams’ work.