Mapping the Miracle: Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Psychocartography of Welsh Space
A lecture by Professor Damian Walford Davies (Aberystwyth University)
6.30pm 28 June 2012
Room 2.03, Humanities Building, Cardiff University
Professor Damian Walford Davies is Head of the Department of English & Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University, which he joined in 1997. His main fields of research and practice are Romanticism, the two literatures of Wales, and creative writing.
Join us for the launch of his latest monograph, Cartographies of Culture: New Geographies of Welsh Writing in English, published by University of Wales Press.
The lecture will be followed by a wine reception, supported by the University of Wales Press.
A Learned Society of Wales Frontiers Lecture.
Click here for a flyer for the event.