Language Based Area Studies: Challenges and Perspectives


 09.00-17.00 Thursday 31 May 2012

 Room 2.18, 65-68 Park Place, Cardiff University

This event is designed to launch the Language Based Area Studies pathway of the Wales Doctoral Training Centre. The core philosophy that underpins this pathway is that of the need to cater not only for language skills, but more generally to that of ‘language scholarship’, by which we mean, in the words of the British Academy, ‘a fully developed understanding of the culture and history of which the language is a vehicle’ (British Academy, ‘Contribution to the HEFCE consultation on Strategically Important and Vulnerable Subjects’, Annex 1, p.4).

The one-day conference will bring together postgraduate students, language practitioners and academics from across and beyond Wales to deliberate on how best to promote and define the future direction of the DTC pathway.

The event is supported by the Cardiff School of European Languages, Translation and Politics  (EUROP, Cardiff), the Department of Politics and Cultural Studies (PCUS, Swansea) and the Learned Society of Wales.

There will be a drinks Reception from 17:00.


To register, please email

The Programme for the event may be found here.

For more details please see here.